Username Format: xxxxxxx (VWN)
Age: 12 years
Site Themes: 19
Access to Secret Laboratory Map: Yes
Create a Ice Bori (Rare!): Yes
Neopoints (OnHand+Bank+ShopTill+Stocks): 10,000,000 NP
Safety Deposit Box: Unique Items: 1,200 | Total Items: 1,800
Snow Shoyru
xxxxxxxxxxx the Red Gelert ( LVL: 50 | HP: 100 | STR: 125 | DEF: 100 | MVE: 50 | INT: 100 )
Xxxxxxxxx the Red Yurble
Xxxxxxx the Blue Kau
Total Avatars: 235
Notable Avatars:
Trophies: Site Event: 20 | Game: 5
Notable Trophies:
Notable Items on the Account (Estimated Total Value: 5,430,000NP):
Halloween Paint Brush – 1,400,000NP
Faerie Paint Brush – 1,400,000NP
Quiggle Pie – 800,000NP
Back in the Good Old Days – 500,000NP
Faerie Eyrie Morphing Potion – 400,000NP
Island Babaa – 350,000NP
Captive Shadow Wraith – 250,000NP
Skidget – 150,000NP
Darigan Slorg – 150,000NP
Spooky Slime – 30,000NP
Total Neocash Items: 150
Estimated Total NC Cap Value: 27 CAPS
Notable NC Items on the Account:
Raindorf Facepaint
Sunken Ship Background
Holiday Front Porch Background
Lightning Bolt Dress
Flame Dress
Games Fortune Cookie
Games Fortune Cookie
Games Fortune Cookie
Games Fortune Cookie
Games Fortune Cookie
Training Fortune Cookie
Icy Cavern Background
Autumn Bridge Background
Colourful Feather Wings
Shiny Rose Gold Flower Wand
Welcome to Camp Wannamakeagame
Robot Destruction Background
Oversize Camp Chair Background
Canoe Ride Background
Woodsy Wings
Sparkler Contacts