
★ M – 256AVA


In stock

Age: 12.5 years
Access to Secret Laboratory Map: Yes
Neopoints (OnHand+Bank+ShopTill+Stocks): 500,000 NP
Safety Deposit Box: Unique Items: 400 | Total Items: 500


Striped Kacheek
Xxxxxxx the Desert Kau ( HP: 150 | STR: 25 | MVE: 50 )

Total Avatars: 255
Notable Avatars:

Trophies: Site Event: 10 | Game: 5
Notable Trophies:

Notable Items on the Account (Estimated Total Value: 950,000NP):

Hanso Charisma Charm – 600,000NP
Snowbunny – 350,000NP